Men typically like making eye contact when speaking to women, especially those they’re attracted to. So, when they avoid it, there’s normally a real reason behind it.
Here are some of the most significant and true meanings behind men avoiding eye contact with a woman:
1. He is sad or angry about something
Emotional expressions change around the eyes, communicating what you feel to others. You avoid eye contact when you don’t want someone to see what you’re feeling (especially a negative emotion).
A guy who avoids eye contact may be trying to hide bad feelings from you or out of a fear of coming out as weak. He can be upset with you and not want to face you, or he might be depressed or upset about something that has happened.
2. He Might Be Attracted To You.
The second reason he may avoid eye contact is that he is attracted to you. It would be embarrassing for him and he doesn’t want to be noticed by you. You can tell this by a eye gaze and if he looks you in the eye.
3. He is shy or introverted
Another common reason why a man might avoid making eye contact with you is shyness. A lot of shy people avoid eye contact, especially those who are introverted or have social anxiety. This may be done to avoid embarrassing situations when speaking to others or because you are uneasy around new people or in a new setting.
Additionally, whether or not they like you, timid people may avoid making eye contact. Therefore, it is advisable to start off gently and get to know such a person. They may find it easier to establish and sustain eye contact once they feel at ease with you.
4. He’s intimidated by you
He may avoid eye contact because he is scared by you, even if he is not typically shy. Maybe he is not used to being around a lady who is so successful and self-assured. Or perhaps you are his boss at business or in a social setting, and he does not want to make a mistake.
He might suffer from low self-esteem and believe he’s not good enough for you. Or he could be worried that he’ll make a fool of himself if he tries to talk to you. Whatever the reason, avoidance is usually a sign of insecurity.
5. He doesn’t want to interact with you
Sometimes a person avoiding eye contact with you does not have any hidden significance; it could just be an indication that he does not want to talk to you. He can find your talk dull and decide to cut it short by avoiding eye contact. Alternatively, he might feel uneasy in your surroundings and wish to depart.
It’s not always easy to know if a guy is disinterested in you simply because he avoids eye contact. So, it would help if you also looked for other signs, such as a nervous smile (or lack of one), uncomfortable body posture, or his eyes constantly scanning the room for someone else.
6. He Doesn’t Like You
When a guy doesn’t actually like you, but you don’t know it, and he can tell you don’t know, he’s very likely to avoid looking you directly in the eye let alone try for too much eye contact with you at all.
If he’s a generally good guy, but for whatever just doesn’t really care much for you (in his head), he’ll probably let you drone on for as long as you like.
7. He is involved with someone else
A man may be involved with someone else if he avoids making eye contact with a lady. Consequently, if a man avoids making eye contact with you, it may indicate that he is more interested in someone else. Another possibility is that he is interested in someone else but is not in a relationship.
8. He is hiding something from you
Lack of eye contact is a sign of deception.
If a man is avoiding eye contact all of a sudden, he is likely hiding something from you. A man who is feeling guilty could avoid eye contact so as not to feel judged, accused, exposed, or vulnerable.
He could also be doing it so as not to get caught in a lie, thus leading to confrontation. It would help to look for other signs of deception besides eye contact. This includes fidgeting, a tense posture, saying too little or too much, and being defensive.