Although falling in love with a married man is one of the most confusing a.f.f.a.i.r.s that a woman can ever have, this still happens. That’s because there are some things women find attractive in married men. In this article, we will tell you why women fall in love with married men:
1/ With married men, there are no strings attached
Since the woman is aware of what she is getting into, there are most likely no conditions in this type of relationship. Another possibility is that she is avoiding a committed relationship because she has been harmed in the past. Her love life is typically at the bottom of her priority list, and she does not anticipate a traditional relationship. In contrast to dating a married man, some women steer clear of dating single men because there is a chance of a serious relationship.
2/ Attention from married men is flattery
Women adore attention, especially when it comes from married guys who are jeopardizing their union. This can greatly increase a woman’s ego. Married men’s compliments are frequently more important to women than those of single guys. Because she thinks the married man truly values her, she has greater faith in him.
3/ Women idealise married men
Dating can be very stressful for a lot of women especially if they have come accost lots of men with phobia of commitment. If he is married, he is used to living with a woman and he knows how women function and think. This makes married men more favorable than single men because they appear more mature.
4/ Married men appear to be more in control of their lives
Married men are often more settled in life, they have steady jobs, their own homes and financial security. Some women have a revolutionary need of being attracted to a man who can provide for her.
5/ Married men are the forbidden fruit
It can be tremendously thrilling to do something that is prohibited, especially if there is a chance of being caught. And there is a huge excitement when you think about being together. The woman’s desire to the married man is heightened by this sense of risk.
The bad marriage of parents has an important role If a woman has witnessed her parent’s marriage failing, she may not believe in marriage as an institution.
Nothing is keeping a woman from a shattered household from establishing a connection with a taken man since they do not view marriage as sacrosanct.
6/ Women buy into their lies
Nearly all women who have had an affair with a married man claim that he was unhappy in his marriage, that his wife no longer understands him, that he was never in love with her, or that she is the only person who can relate to him. Men frequently use lies to ensure that a woman is idolizing him in order to establish a bond via suffering and sympathy. He also uses same justifications to defend his affair with another woman.
7/ Women need a father figure
Having issues with her father in the past can make a woman more attracted to married man. Having an absence of a father figure in a girl’s life can trigger psychological problems which can manifest later in life.
Women who were rejected by their father figure have similar attitude towards the men they are in a relationship with. They fall for unavailable men as well as teachers or employers, particularly the persons who remind them of their father.
If a woman has unresolved father issues she is more likely to be in a relationship in a much older man. She loves being dominated by the man which she considers an affection.
Moral is not the only thing that should be keeping you away from someone’s marriage. You should also think about your happiness and future.
You risk becoming overly enamored with a married man and seeing the world through rose-colored glasses when you are in a relationship with him. Regardless matter what he promises you, very few married men are prepared to leave their spouses. Additionally, a lot of women suffer when the man they are in love with spends holidays with his family and unconsciously accept the status of mistress.
And he never publicly acknowledges the relationship. First of wall, think about whether you have a future with a married man. If his behavior is repeated, and he has already done or has a chance of doing the same thing with another woman.
You will never be truly happy with him. Think about what you are gaining in the relationship reconsider the time you are willing to spend for someone who probably does not deserve you.