Sometimes we find ourselves drawn to folks that are just horrible for us. We keep falling for them, regardless of how poorly they treat us. Why are these individuals so alluring? Their charisma never fails to enchant us, and their pledges and apologies always seem genuine. The temptation to return to them is strong even after you have left them. These are the top 5 reasons why getting back into a toxic relationship is never worthwhile.
1. You must learn to move on as well.
Why should not you follow suit if they have moved on from you or are simply using video games to numb their pain? Even if they have caused you a great deal of pain, you still yearn to resume your relationship. This is due to the fact that going back to what is known feels cozy. However, avoid falling into this trap. It is highly probable that your previous routines and habits may resurface, causing you to experience heartbreak once more.
2. They won’t change.
You tell yourself that this time would be different because they assure you that they have changed. However, you are aware that the likelihood is that everything will be exactly the same. Seldom do people change. Speak up for yourself and learn to say no, rather than ignoring the situation and hope for the best. You will find yourself constantly defending their actions, and your optimism will not make much of a difference.
3. They will hurt you again.
Because they’ve done it once, chances are they’ll do it again. This is why you could never be happy and at peace in a relationship that has already been through this. Also, you need to be happy with yourself first. You can’t expect them to come along and unbreak you and put you back on your feet. This is something you have to go through alone.
4. You deserve better.
Never should we accept anything less than what we are worthy of. People frequently feel that they deserve to be treated unfairly after being in a toxic relationship. In addition, they begin to hold themselves responsible for all of their relationship’s problems. But you must learn to quit blaming yourself if you want to actually escape from someone who is harming you. Try to realize that you do not have to put up with someone treating you badly. This will ensure that you find someone who treats you well the next time and help you find closure.
5. You Will Never Be A Priority
Your feelings and wants will always be subordinated to theirs. The other person will hardly ever have time to “deal” with you, and your relationship will always come second. Instead, you will always feel like a burden rather than a companion or partner. While you disregard your injured sentiments, your partnership will exist solely to support the other person’s needs and ego. They will act as if your demands and choices are completely irrelevant and unimportant.