Well, that was my 32nd birthday. I’m Lara, and it started with a mysterious box at my door, changing everything.
“Happy birthday, beautiful,” my husband Dexter whispered that morning. “I’ve got a breathtaking surprise for you later.”
Dave, our son, burst in, excited for the party. The day was perfect, filled with friends, family, and laughter. I was mingling when my phone buzzed.
For illustrative purpose only
An unknown caller had a parcel for me, requesting I collect it alone. Curious, I went to the door.
The delivery man handed a heavy box to me. I found my stolen jewelry and a note inside: “FROM YOUR HUSBAND’S LOVER!” My heart sank.
Dexter had stolen my jewelry for his mistress? I left the party, driven by the address in the note, tears streaming. Arriving at an old house, I hesitated but entered. Suddenly, lights flashed, and voices shouted, “WE PLAYED YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!”
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Dexter hugged me. “No mistress, Lara. It was a prank.”
Relief washed over me, and despite my anger, I laughed. It was an unforgettable birthday.