It wasn’t too long ago that in the world of infectious diseases, it seemed like COVID-19 was all anyone was talking about. It was, after all, the most prevalent and deadly infectious disease globally at the time. According to a recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO), however, tuberculosis (TB) has retaken its position as the leading infectious disease, surpassing COVID-19, which had been the deadliest infectious pathogen in 2020. This is what this means for you and your family.
What is Tuberculosis (TB)?

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the pathogenic bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily affects the lungs but can also damage other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, spine, and brain. Although TB is curable in around 85% of cases, it is still a significant global health concern due to the high mortality rate among untreated sufferers. TB is spread through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. The bacteria can remain suspended in the air for several hours and be inhaled by others who are nearby. Once inside the body, TB bacteria multiply rapidly and cause an infection that can last for years if left untreated.