I mean, most days, she’s the one who dresses me. No, not because I am sexist and think it’s her job, but because she LOVES doing that. And to be honest, I look FANTASTIC each time, so I’m NOT complaining!
My wife avoided her real interest for years. She worked at several different occupations. such as working as a receptionist, a nurse for a little period of time (unfortunately), and even dabbling in art. She was still unable to locate herself, though.
My dear wife just made the decision to pursue her love of fashion as a job (see what I did there). She began aggressively looking for retail employment. She reasoned that it would be a fantastic fit for her interests.
One day she told me the account of what had transpired when she came home crying. Emma clarified that she was at the shopping mall in the afternoon on that tragic day. Then she saw a well-known lingerie shop with a billboard that read, “Now Hiring,” on the window.
Excited, she revealed, “I immediately went inside to inquire! But boy, was I in for the shock of my life.” She shared how her excitement started dying down when she approached the sales assistant and tried to speak to her.
My wife was directly in front of the obnoxious woman before she ever looked in her direction! Emma, who was excited but a little depressed, inquired about the job application procedure. Rather, the assistant gave her a scowl and an attitude as she looked her up and down. She then uttered the painful words:
“Look, hun, I don’t think you’re pretty enough for this job. NO CHANCE. Don’t even try, okay?”
Before calming down enough to be able to tell me her story, my lovely wife was in tears when she came home. She was heartbroken by the cruel remark. I’ve never seen my wife so utterly devastated before, and my heart broke seeing her that way.
I tried to comfort her by putting my arms around her. “Do not let her affect you, my love. You have talent and beauty. I whispered, “You are worth so much more than her words.” Why would she say that, though? Emma broke down in tears. All I wanted to do was apply for a job. I was not worthy of that.
I attempted to comfort my wife by saying, “My angel, she is a narrow-minded person.” I was enraged to see her in such despair! Nobody—I mean, absolutely nobody—should treat my Emma so poorly, cause her to feel this way, and get away with it!
And what do you know? I became enraged and thought it was time for someone to point out that unpleasant assistant’s mistakes! I made the decision to teach that salesperson a valuable lesson in humility that she would never forget!
I came up with a plan throughout the course of the following several days. I asked my friend Mike, who is employed in the fashion industry, for assistance. When Mike learned what had happened, he was more than happy to help.
“That’s unbelievable, man. Of course, I’ll help. Let’s give her a taste of her own medicine,” Mike said over the phone. A few days later, my plan was set in motion. I dressed well, with the help of my Emma, and headed back to the lingerie store.
I had done my research enough to make sure the same sales assistant was working on that day. I then started pretending to browse the aisles, waiting for the perfect moment. When the store had only a few customers, I approached the assistant with a friendly smile.
“Hello, I want to get my wife a wonderful present. Could you assist me with selecting a few items? I inquired. Seeing a possible huge sale instantly changed her outlook. She paid attention and began displaying a variety of objects to me.
Yes, sir! We offer an amazing assortment. As we walked around the store, she said in a sweeter tone, “What is the occasion?” I wanted to give my wife a surprise. I pretended to be considerate as I answered, “I want to get her something truly unique.”
“Great! How about this piece? It’s one of our most popular items,” she suggested, holding up a delicate lace set. “Do you think this would look good on her?” I asked, examining the lingerie. “Oh, definitely! It’s one of our best sellers. Your wife will love it,” she assured me.
“Can you show me a few more options? I want to make sure I get the perfect one,” I said, keeping her engaged. As she showed me more pieces, I made small talk to keep her invested. “So, how long have you been working here?” I inquired.
“About six months,” she replied. “It’s a great job if you have the right look for it.” I nodded, pretending to be interested. “That’s interesting. Do they hire often?”
“Only when they really need someone. They’re picky about who they bring on,” she said with a hint of pride.
About half an hour later, I told her I had to go outside and call my wife to get her opinion on one of the things. I called my friend Mike instead of Emma. He came promptly to carry out his portion of the scheme.
Together, we made our way back into the shop. My friend went up to the salesperson and gave his name. “Hello,” Mike said, holding out his hand. “My name is Mike Gladstone, and I work for a big fashion brand as a talent scout.”
Acting impressed, he hinted that the store was a terrific place to discover new talent. “I have been searching for someone with a wonderful personality and a distinctive appearance. Is there anyone like that here, in your opinion?
The assistant’s eyes widened with excitement. “Oh, really? Well, I’ve been told I have a great look for this sort of thing,” she said, clearly thinking this was her big break. Mike gave her a critical once-over and shook his head.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think you quite fit what we’re looking for,” he replied. “We need someone who STANDS OUT in the right way, you understand?” The assistant looked UTTERLY crushed!
Mike turned to me before she could answer. He pointed to me and said, “How about you?” “Your appearance is intriguing. Ever thought of becoming a model? The assistant’s mouth fell open! She was utterly surprised!
“No, but I do have someone in mind who would be excellent for your campaign,” I said with a smile. “My wife, Emma,” I said without pausing. She exudes confidence, beauty on the inside, and beauty on the outside.
Mike nodded enthusiastically. “I’d LOVE to meet her. Let’s set up an interview.” I turned to the assistant, who was now pale and visibly shaken. Looking straight into her eyes to get the message across, I said:
“You know, it’s funny how perceptions can be so misleading. Maybe next time, YOU’LL think twice before judging someone based on their looks.”
As we walked out, I could feel the assistant’s eyes burning into my back. Emma met with Mike later. Although she didn’t pursue modeling, the experience gave her a much-needed confidence boost.
“How did it go, then?” When my wife returned from her appointment with my friend, I asked her. In fact, it was AMAZING! She smiled, “Mike was very professional and courteous.” She responded, her face beaming with joy, “He said I had amazing promise.”
“I told you, sweetheart! “You possess all the necessary qualities,” I said, giving her a firm embrace. Emma and I sat down to dinner that night and talked about what had happened. She held my hand across the table and said, “It is unbelievable that you did all that for me.”
“I’d do anything for you, my love. No one gets to make you feel less than you are,” I said firmly.
A week later, we were back at the shopping center. This time, Emma walked with newfound confidence. As we passed by the lingerie store, I couldn’t help but glance inside. The sales assistant was there, looking as if she was still recovering from the shock.
“Want to go in and browse?” I teased Emma. She laughed, shaking her head. “The last time I have had enough of that store.” As far you could walk hand in hand because sometimes, the best revenge isn’t just a clever plan. It’s helping others see their true worth by lifting up the ones you love.
So, that’s my story. There may be an occasion in which getting someone to know how wrong they were is best handled in the most public in the most humiliation way possible. Trust me, sawing the look on that sales assistant’s face, something you will never forget!