“Emily, are you ready? My mom will watch Sophia, so we have the whole day.” I tied my shoes as my wife came down the stairs. She looked nervous, brushing invisible wrinkles off her blouse.
“I think so, David,” she said softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “I just… I hope we’re doing the right thing. What if the child doesn’t connect with us?”
I walked over and held her hands. “We’ve talked about this for months. You’ve read every book. We’re as ready as we’ll ever be. Besides, no child could resist your pancakes.”
Emily chuckled, her cheeks flushing pink. “Thanks for that vote of confidence.”
My first marriage’s five-year-old daughter, Sophia, peered out of the living room. “Mom, may I have pancakes tomorrow?”
Emily’s expression softened. “Obviously, my love.” A glimmer of grief was seen in her eyes as she smiled. Although I knew she cherished Sophia as if she were her own, I also knew she desired a second kid who would call her “Mommy” right away.
As we drove to the shelter, the air in the car was thick with anticipation. Emily stared out the window, twisting her wedding ring.
“You okay?” I asked.
“I’m just scared,” she admitted. “What if we can’t find a child who feels like… ours?”
I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’ll. As you often say, “Love finds a way.”
The director of the shelter gave us a hearty welcome when we got there. Mrs. Graham was an elderly lady with gentle eyes and silver hair. “Hello. Thank you so much for being here.
With a slight, courteous grin, Emily nodded. I am grateful, Mrs. Graham. We are both thrilled and a little anxious.
“That’s natural,” Mrs. Graham said reassuringly. “Why don’t we start with a quick chat in my office?”
We described our criteria for a child in her comfortable office, which was filled with pictures of contented families. “Any background is welcome,” I stated. “All we want is to feel connected.”
Mrs. Graham gave a nod. “I get it. Allow me to introduce you to the playroom. Every child is different, and when the time is perfect, I believe you will sense that connection.
There was a lot of laughter in the playroom. Kids were playing games, running, and drawing. When Emily noticed a young boy constructing a block tower, her countenance brightened.
“Hi there!” she said, crouching beside him. “That’s a tall tower. What’s your name?”
The boy grinned. “Eli. Don’t knock it over!”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Emily said with a laugh.
I found myself chatting with a girl drawing on a chalkboard. “What are you making?”
“A unicorn,” she said confidently. “You’re big. Are you a dad?”
“I am,” I said. “Do you like dads?”
“They’re okay,” she said with a shrug.
Emily’s expression, which was a mixture of uncertainty and delight, attracted my attention across the room. I was aware that she shared my feelings. How were we going to pick anyone?
I spun around as I heard a small touch on my shoulder. A young girl, perhaps five years old, with large, inquisitive eyes, stood there.
“Are you my new father?” she inquired in a quiet yet assured tone.
My heart stopped beating. Her honey-brown hair, big cheeks, and deep dimples when she smiled were all exactly like Sophia’s.
“Uh, I…” My voice caught in my throat.
As if she already knew the answer, the girl cocked her head and studied me with a look of naive expectation. Then she held out her hand as though to make sure of something in her thoughts.
I noticed a little, crescent-shaped birthmark on her wrist at that moment. My heart pounded. The birthmark was exactly the same in the same place on Sophia.
“Emily,” I whispered, turning to my wife who had been standing a few feet away. She was gripping the edge of a table for support, her face pale. “Look at her wrist.”
Emily stepped closer, her eyes wide. “David… she—she’s…”
The little girl smiled shyly. “Do you like puzzles?” she asked, holding up a piece. “I’m really good at them.”
I knelt down, my knees barely holding me as my mind spun. “What’s your name?” I managed to ask, my voice trembling.
“Angel,” she said, her voice bright and cheerful. “The lady here said it suits me.”
Angel. My chest constricted. That name. It struck me like a bolt of lightning. If we ever had another kid, my ex-wife Lisa had wanted the name Angel.
I hurried to my feet, my head spinning. It brought up memories from long ago. Lisa had arrived at my place four years prior, tense and restless.
“I have something to tell you, David,” she had whispered, her voice trembling. At the time of our divorce, I was expecting. I was at a loss for words. You own the young daughter I gave birth to. I—I am unable to care for her. Will you?
That’s how Sophia came into my life. But twins? Lisa had never mentioned twins.
“David?” Emily’s voice brought me back to the present.
I looked at her, then back at Angel. She was still smiling, holding the puzzle piece as if nothing life-changing had just happened.
“I need to make a call,” I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket.
I walked to a quieter corner of the playroom and dialed Lisa’s number. My hands were trembling as I waited for her to pick up.
“David?” Lisa answered after a few rings, her voice a mixture of surprise and concern. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
“No, Lisa. Not even close,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “I’m at a children’s shelter with Emily. There’s a little girl here who looks exactly like Sophia. She has her birthmark, Lisa. She’s Sophia’s twin. Care to explain?”
Silence hung heavy on the line. For a moment, I thought she’d hung up. Then, I heard her take a shaky breath.
“David,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, “I—I didn’t think you’d ever find out.”
“You knew?” I said, struggling to keep my tone calm.
“Yes,” she acknowledged. “I had twins.” I was frightened when I discovered I was pregnant. I was so impoverished that I could hardly care for myself. David, I could not manage two babies. I thought Sophia would live a better life with you, so I handed her to you. When I was ready, I hoped to return for Angel, but I never became stable enough. If you found out, I assumed you would despise me.
“Hate you?” I repeated, my voice rising. “Lisa, you lied to me about my own child. You didn’t think I had the right to know?”
“I was ashamed,” she said, her voice breaking. “I thought I could fix it someday. I thought… maybe I’d have a chance to make it right.”
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, forcing myself to stay calm. “Lisa, I’m taking her home. Angel is my daughter, and she deserves to be with her family.”
Lisa hesitated for a moment. Then she said quietly, “I understand. Take care of her, David. She deserves the world.”
I hung up the phone and stood there for a while, allowing the situation to settle in. Angel was Sophia’s twin, not just a youngster with a similar appearance. My twin daughters.
When I returned to the playroom, I saw Emily kneeling next to Angel, assisting her in putting a puzzle piece on the board. As I got closer, she raised her head, tears glimmering in her eyes.
“She’s ours,” I said firmly.
Emily nodded, her voice trembling. “I already knew.”
Angel looked between us, her small face lighting up. “Does that mean you’re my new mom and dad?”
I crouched beside her, taking her tiny hand in mine. “Yes, Angel. That’s exactly what it means.”
Emily reached over and hugged her, her tears spilling freely now. “We’ve been waiting for you,” she whispered.
Angel giggled, wrapping her arms around Emily. “I knew it. I just knew.”
I came to the stunning realization that love works miracles rather than merely finding a way. This belonged to us.
The adoption procedure proceeded more quickly than we had anticipated. Mrs. Graham and her staff were very helpful and helped us at every stage. It was made official a week later.
Sophia was waiting by the door on the day we brought her home, holding her favorite stuffed animal. When she spotted Angel, her eyes glowed.
“Daddy, who’s that?” she asked, her voice curious.
I knelt down, pulling Angel beside me. “Sophia, this is Angel. She’s your sister—your twin.”
Sophia’s jaw dropped. “Twin? We’re the same?” She ran forward, throwing her arms around Angel.
Angel laughed, hugging her back.
From that moment, the girls were inseparable. They compared everything—birthmarks, favorite colors, and even how they liked their sandwiches. Emily and I stood in the doorway, overwhelmed by the sight of them together.
“We did it,” Emily said, wiping her tears.
“No,” I whispered. “They did.”
Five years later, there is a lot of love and fun in our house. As only twins can, Sophia and Angel are sharing adventures and secrets.
Emily has really embraced parenting and is savoring every happy, crazy moment.
I turned to Emily one evening when the girls were rehearsing a dance routine in the living room. “Have you ever considered how far we have come?”
“All the time,” she said, smiling.
I became aware of how love had led us to this point as I saw our daughters interact. It served as a reminder that family is about the ties we choose to uphold, not just DNA.
And love, as always, found a way.